
本课程主要提高基础词汇、语法、口语和写作英语综合能力。采用Pearson官方Roadmap B1教材,适合基础相对薄弱,想要全方位提高英语能力的学生。


  • 小班授课或1v1定制学习,高效答疑解惑的同时也让同学们可以和老师实时互动

  • 官方教科书+独家词汇语法材料,全方面提高英语基础能力

  • 专门的微信作业打卡群帮助学生提高学习效率

  • 直播课程和录屏习回放,方便学生复习

距离 综合英语提高课 开班还有

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds



Ban Lan


课程大纲 - 让您绝对放心的课程

  • 1

    Unit 1

    • Reading (Understand an article and read for general understanding)

    • Writing (Write a job application and use paragraphs in a job application)

    • Listening (Understand a podcast and recognise positive and negative attitudes)

    • Speaking (Describe future plans and arrangements, make and respond to suggestion)

  • 2

    Unit 2

    • Reading (Understand a new story and read for specific information)

    • Writing (Write and essay and write paragraphs)

    • Listening (Understand an interview and understand linkers)

    • Speaking (Describe past experiences, talk about memories and show interest in a conversation)

  • 3

    Unit 3

    • Reading (Understand adverts and recognise similar ideas)

    • Writing (Write a guide and plan a piece of writing)

    • Listening (Understand a conversation and discourse markers)

    • Speaking (Talk about experiences, ask for, follow and give directions)

  • 4

    Unit 4

    • Reading (Understand a magazine article and understand paragraph structure)

    • Writing (Write a biography and use linkers)

    • Listening (Understand a radio programme and predict information)

    • Speaking (Discuss and compare lifestyles, ask for and give opinions)

  • 5

    Unit 5

    • Reading (Understand a factual article and guess unknown words)

    • Writing (Write a personal email and use informal words and expressions)

    • Listening (Understand announcement and listen for specific information)

    • Speaking (Discuss advantages and disadvantages, give instructions and ask for information)

  • 6

    Unit 6

    • Reading (Understand a magazine article and linkers)

    • Writing (Write a for and against essay and organise ideas)

    • Listening (Understand a short talk and identify the stages of a talk)

    • Speaking (Discuss hypothetical situations, make and respond to requests)

  • 7

    Unit 7

    • Reading (Understand a magazine article and understand the sequence of events)

    • Writing (Write short notices and engage a reader)

    • Listening (Understand a presentation and listening for specific information)

    • Speaking (Talk about life events, discuss stay options and ask for information)

  • 8

    Unit 8

    • Reading (Understand a brochure and understand reference )

    • Writing (Write a short email, add and contrast ideas)

    • Listening (Understand a radio phone-in program and guess the meaning of unknown words)

    • Speaking (Talk about rules, describe places and make excuses and apologise)

  • 9

    Unit 9

    • Reading (Understand a short article and recognise degrees of certainty)

    • Writing (Write a story and make comparisons )

    • Listening (Understand a radio discussion and recognise a speaker's opinion)

    • Speaking (Discuss and suggest improvements, express agreement and disagreement)

  • 10

    Unit 10

    • Reading (Understand an article and make inferences)

    • Writing (Write and email asking for information and request information)

    • Listening (Understand short conversations and understand meaning from context)

    • Speaking (Report opinions and the results of a survey, ask and answer interview questions)


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    老师可以兼顾每一位学员的进度,利用经验用最短的时间来帮助学生备考,课程不拖沓不重复。个人练习录音由教师点评完 成陪练及督促。

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